October 12th, 2010
Why you should read Manequi …
The objective of this blog is to help you to find YOUR personal style having fun in the process! I am going to help you to transform your image to what you really want, and for this you don’t have to loose 10 pounds, win the lottery or grow 5 centimeters … I am going to show you how to look good just the way you are right now!!! You are going to be able to find YOUR personal style, which will make you feel comfortable and happy in your own body.
I know … fashion blogs and sites trying to give fashion advice are plenty, but here I am not pretending to be a “fashion encyclopedia”, I am offering you a place to have an open dialog where together we will analyze your situation and achieve your objective.
I am going to take you step by step so you learn everything what you need to know about your body shape, your colors, and your style. I am going to teach you how to look the best way that you can, so you look gorgeous at any time!!! All is about proportions, and sometimes with the help of some optical illusion tricks, effects can be created to help us to look thinner or to enlarge certain areas of our body, amazing no?
Since your image project your personality you should also analyze what do you want to project at work, what is your professional goal? The fact is that, cruel as it sounds, only our mum loves us as we look when we just wake up … looks matter and you have to take care of yours.
But don’t worry, that’s the reason of this blog, here I am planning to explain you in a simple language, with examples and fun stories, how to create your best look and how to optimize your wardrobe. You are going to stop suffering every morning wondering … what am I going to wear today? … knowing that your closet is packed!!! Or … tell me that you don’t do that?
You are going to stop buying things that you only like at the store, and then you just put at the end of your closet and never wear it again. I am going to show you how to improve your image using only what looks great on you. And, it is not necessary to accomplish this following fashion, as you can see, until now we haven’t talk about fashion. Someone with a personal style is different from someone who is a fashion victim.
Fashion is a group of trends that in certain way amass the society, and you know what is the worst part? We not just look like everybody else; sometimes what is on “fashion” is not the best for us, and any way we wear it.
Style, on the other hand, defines your personality it reflects what you really are. You express your personality through your clothes and it doesn’t have to be always following fashion.
Are you confused? Don’t be, here I am to help you. Step by step I am going to teach you how to know your body characteristics, your face proportions and the colors that suits you the best, so at the end you are just going to look and feel great all the time!
So, welcome to this open dialog and I hope you find useful the information that I am going to share with you.
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