Today I am going to talk about a topic that complements your personal image: personal development and attitude.
I love this topic, because I believe that external beauty is the result of your internal beauty and attitude, you have to believe it! Or at least, I love this phrase: “fake it till you make it!” Self-confidence is so strong that it will change your life and give you a very singular vitality!
And talking about vitality, yesterday I assisted, to an event organized by Maria Cherñajovsky, Argentinean designer and owner of the brand “Maria Cher”. Together with Dove they organized an encounter called “Vital Voices”, which was a very special evening where the main topic was “Women who inspire”.
There were five speakers, well six … because the first one to talk was Maria Cherñajovsky. She explained the reason of the encounter and also a little of her very inspiring history. The other speakers where Alexandra Rampolla (sexologist and producer of her own TV show), Orly Benzacar (director of the Art Gallery Ruth Bencazar), Susana Trimarco (mother of a missing girl named Marita, in Tucuman, Argentina), Cecilia Roth (actress) and Tini de Bucourt (ambassador of Dove and ex-model).
As you can see, each one has a very different personality and profession, but the thing that all these women have in common is that they had influenced their environment and other women with their actions. As they said, what is required in life is to dare to do things, go after your goals and pursue what you really want to do from the bottom of your heart, fight for it and don’t rest until you get it.
Each presentation was basically the summary of each ones life, how do they become what they are now and their achievements. Here is a summary of each talk:
Maria Cherñajovsky – entrepreneur, fashion designer, mother and brand owner of the brand with her own name since 2001. In 2006, together with her mother, created the Association for peace and no violence, and she was selected as women of the year in 2008. Currently she owns 10 stores and manages 150 employees. The encounter is the second one that she organized to inspire other women and help their lives. Maria is part of the Vital Voices board in Argentina.

Alessandra Rampolla, is a certified sexologist, born in Puerto Rico. Since her youth she felt that she had something else to say to help other girls, as her, to have a better understanding about sex, because nobody really explained anything to her. That’s why she decided to study and promote the sexology. She had to stand the criticism of the society, but at the end, she end up having her own TV show and international fame. I don’t know if you have seen her, but if not please try to catch a show, she is very funny and completely honest, you will learn a lot because she explains sex as is she was explaining a cake recipe! ☺
Orly Benzacar, biologist and art lover. In 1990 she started to work in her mother’s art gallery, Ruth Benzacar. When her mother dies, Orly started to run the gallery and she made it grow with international recognition. How does she change from biology to art? Following her heart and fighting for her believes, helping Argentinean artist to grow and import their job.
Susana Trimarco, “Marita’s” mother (Ma. De los Ángeles Verón) who was kidnapped on 2002 and is still missing until now. Susana has been fighting to find her daughter since then, finding that it is a very important prostitution net in the north of Argentina. During the desperate search of Marita, Susana has saved hundreds of women creating an association to help them and their child. Susana is a very brave woman who will not rest until she finds her daughter she also hopes to be able to make a real change in her country with her association.
Cecilia Roth, Argentinean actress, in 1977 she moved to Spain where she become a international well known actress after working with Pedro Almodovar. Cecilia has a very strong personality, during all her career she had been fighting for her ideals and although she is very famous, she’s still very humble. Her son is the love of her life the more authentic love that she has ever found.
Tini de Bocourt, Dove ambassador. She started as a fashion model, but after 17 years of success in the fashion world, she quit to dedicate her life to help women with her personal growth. She had lived in India where she developed her inner beauty, and currently she has a company devoted to help other women in her inner growth.
Her talk was perfect to close the event and I am talking a little more about it, since it is related to what we talk about here in Manequi. Tini says that inner and external beauties are always together it can’t be one with out the other since the first thing that we need to do is to accept us the way we are.
I like a lot a phrase that she mentioned from Coco Chanel: “There are not ugly women only lazy ones”. This is so true … because we need to work in ourselves to be able to know who we are, and what is the best for us, and that is something that we need to work on, unfortunately it is not usually something that we “just know”, it requires a little effort from our part.
Tini mentioned something that I loved, how many times you have said about other woman: “ I hate her, she looks fantastic in everything, it doesn’t matter what she wears”?? Well, she looks fantastic because she believes that she looks fantastic, it is amazing how the attitude can change the way you look. Same thing if you believe that you have a horrible nose, it is very probable that everyone else will think the same about your nose, because you act like it is horrible! Get it??? You project what you want to project, and it’s in your hands to make the others to buy it or not.
Well, that was the summary from what I heard yesterday, I wanted to share it with you because I believe it was very inspiring. I guess that the organizers will soon put on line the video here is the link:
The conclusion and the reason why I wanted to talk about this topic, is that we all have a lot of potential to be beautiful the only thing is that you have to believe that you are beautiful and work on it.
As Dove’s advertising states (and I am not selling anything) let’s work in the real beauty, developing your attributes and accepting who we are in order to get the best of us!!! How can you do that? Well here in Manequi I will help you and we will do it together.
See you soon!!!
Fabiola Silva
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