Your professional look

Very often people ask me … how can I get a professional look? And usually my answer is … depends …

And I am not lying; it depends on many things, but especially depends on your profession and your personality. You have to create a mix of both things in order to have a real professional look; it is not the same look the one of a lawyer, a designer or an operations manager in a factory.

So, let’s go back to the question … how can I get a professional look?

I am going to tell you a story that happen a while ago when I was working in a multinational in the marketing area. I have a team under my supervision and there was this girl, very intelligent and with a lot of potential, but her defect was that she was not into her position, she started very young in the company and although she grew up, with a lot more responsibilities, in her head she was still the young little intern of the area, and the worst is that the others kept thinking like that about her.

She was amazingly good and we made a great team, so at the end of the year during her performance evaluation, we talked about her issue of not being consider as the professional that she supposed to be, and she agreed to make a radical change in her attitude and her look, because she was fed up with the situation too.

So the next day … yes, no the following week or the next month, just the next day, I had a completely different person under my supervision. She changed her clothes, she stop dressing as she was in college, her look was very formal, keeping her own style but she suddenly became a grown up. And the most important thing was that she also changed her attitude dramatically, she finally behaved according to her position. And you are not going to believe this … but in only few weeks all the other areas and her colleagues started to treat her differently and everybody started to listen to her opinions and requirements.

The moral of the story: you are what you project and you project what you are. It has to be coherency between your image and your attitude so people will really believe in what your professional role is. (Coherency for your professional role and also in your personal life!)

The best is to find your professional role maintaining your personal style. Unfortunately, not everybody accomplish that, sometimes, in order to fit in a professional environment people tend to sacrifice their personality. For example, being a lawyer is hard; you have to be always very formal to fit in. And what about the creative and designers world? Have you ever seen how they dress? I just love it, they are always very creative, and original I would say authentic. For some people they are like in a disguise, but I think is the best, I like to think that they will work as creatively as they dress.

Here are some tips to have a professional look:

• Analyze how is your professional environment so you will know what is expected from you. How do you expect your doctor to be dress? And your nanny? Your lawyer?
• Adapt your personal style to your professional role so you don’t feel like you are wearing a custom every single morning.

• Avoid cleavages, tight or shinning clothes, and miniskirts,  it doesn’t matter your profession, leave all of that for the weekend. Those things are distracting and unless you are in a TV show they are not nice for work.
• If you can’t find a way to reflect your personal style in your clothes, try in your accessories and your shoes, both things can talk a lot about yourself.
• If you have a “business casual” day, don’t dress too informal, it is not like if you were watching TV on a Saturday night at home, always keep in mind you are working so try not to be too “casual”.

• And last but not least, this could be very obvious, but always take care of your personal hygiene and your hair; both things could contribute or destroy your look.

See you soon!!


The pictures included are from Banana Republic, JCrew and Mango.

Tu look profesional

Muchas veces la gente me pregunta ¿cómo logro un look profesional? pregunta a la cual contesto generalmente … depende …

Y es que depende de muchas cosas, empecemos con dos básicas: tu profesión y tu personalidad. En base a eso es que puedes lograr tener un look profesional, porque definitivamente no es lo mismo el look de un abogado, que de un diseñador gráfico o el de un gerente de operaciones en una fábrica.

Entonces volvemos a la pregunta ¿cómo hago para tener un look profesional?

Primero les voy a contar una historia que me paso durante el tiempo que estuve trabajando en una multinacional en el área de Marketing. Resulta que dentro de las personas que me reportaban estaba una chava muy buena para su trabajo, con un potencial muy grande pero con un defecto … había entrado muy joven a la empresa y si bien había ido creciendo en responsabilidades, ella en su cabeza se seguía sintiendo la “chiquita del equipo”.

La chava era una persona muy buena para su trabajo y habíamos hecho un muy buen equipo, pero los demás del grupo y las otras áreas la seguían viendo muy “júnior” y muchas veces no la tomaban en serio.
Al final del año, tuvimos la evaluación de desempeño y aproveche para decirle que su actitud y su look, eran la causa de su problema y que tenía que cambiarlo, ya no se podía vestir como si fuera a la universidad y mucho menos seguir ella misma creyendo que era la “chiquita” del área. Tuvimos una larga plática y al final ella se comprometió a realizar un cambio en su apariencia y un cambio radical en su actitud, porque ella misma estaba harta de que la gente no la tomara en serio.

Al día siguiente, si … no en unas semanas … tan sólo al día siguiente, apareció en la oficina una persona totalmente diferente, había cambiado su forma de vestir a un look mucho más formal, más profesional, y ojo que no había perdido su estilo, seguía siendo la misma persona, pero finalmente se había tomado en serio el rol que le tocaba desempeñar en su trabajo.
Y bueno, no me lo van a creer, pero en una cuantas semanas la gente la empezó a tratar distinto, adquirió autoridad, le empezaron a hacer caso cuando pedía las cosas y se volvió alguien con voz y voto dentro del área.

La moraleja del cuento: tu eres lo que proyectas y proyectas lo que eres. Tiene que existir una coherencia entre la imagen que deseas proyectar y tu actitud ante los demás para lograr que la gente realmente crea que rol que estas desempeñando. (Y en realidad no solo en lo profesional sino también en lo personal!)

Lo ideal es que en todo este proceso de adaptación profesional no pierdas tu personalidad, sin embargo, no todo el mundo lo logra y no a todo el mundo lo aceptan tal cual es. En el mundo de abogados el look es muy estricto, debes de vestirte y comportarte de cierta forma para, digamos, entrar al círculo. Lo mismo en el mundo de creativos de las agencias de publicidad ¿alguna vez has visto como se visten? A mi me encantan, son justamente muy creativos y reflejan en su vestimenta su tipo de trabajo.

A continuación unos tips para lograr el look profesional que deseas:

• Analiza el ambiente laboral en el que te vas a desempeñar para que tengas claro las expectativas tanto de tus colaboradores como de tus clientes. ¿como esperas que este vestido tu doctor? ¿tu abogado? ¿tu niñera?
• Adapta tu estilo personal a tu rol profesional para que no te vuelvas un disfraz en tu trabajo, trata de siempre agregar tu estilo en todo lo que te pongas … siempre se puede créeme!

• Evita los escotes, la ropa muy ajustada, las faldas muy cortas y las prendas muy llamativas, no importa la profesión que tengas, eso déjalo para el fin de semana en el ámbito laboral distraen la atención y no contribuyen con un look profesional, a menos que salgas en un show de TV!! ☺
• Si no encuentras como reflejar tu personalidad a través de la ropa, utiliza los accesorios y los zapatos para hacerlo, eso habla mucho más de tu estilo que la ropa en sí misma.
• Si tienes algún día o todos de “business casual” evita ir como si estuvieras un sábado en tu casa viendo la tele. Si bien lo que se define como “casual” es muy relativo ya que depende de tu profesión, lo mejor es que siempre pienses que estas trabajando y que estas representando un rol profesional para no caer en lo muy informal.

• Y por último, por obvio que parezca, siempre cuida tu limpieza personal y el peinado. Dos elementos simples pero que siempre contribuyen a mejorar tu imagen.

Hasta la próxima!!


Las fotos incluidas son de Banana Republic, JCrew y Mango.

Let’s talk about jeans

This time I am going to explain you how to choose the best pair of jeans, the best for your body, and especially for your butt, because let’s be clear in something, if your jeans don’t make you have an spectacular butt … what’s the point???

We usually use jeans as “all use” pants, since it can be used for any occasion, depending how you combine them they are perfect for an informal lunch, or for a night at the club. There are many different kind of jeans, with different cuts, lengths, rise, colors, etc … but let’s go to the main issue …

How do you know which pair is the best for your body?

Well, first of all, finding a pair of jeans that are your size, doesn’t warranty that you are going to look great on them, you have to consider the following in order to be sure that they fit you: the length, the cut, the pockets position and the color, although this last one is the less important to consider.

Pockets – the position and the shape of the pockets are key to your butt, if they are too big and they finished below your butt the effect will be a droopy butt, and nobody want that.
If your butt is big, “V” pockets are not good for you because it will enlarge your hips, also if the pockets are very separate form the middle seam of the jeans.
If you have a small butt, then pockets are for you since they will give an extra volume to that area, especially the pockets with buttons. If the pockets are separate from the middle seam of the jeans it will be even better for your butt, it will look bigger.

Rise – this is the length from your crotch to the jeans waist. You have to be very careful with the height of the rise because although it suddenly become a fashion the ultra low rise, it is not always good for every body, just as the high rise … actually that one is not good for anyone! The best is to use the medium rise; especially if you have a big butt the higher the waistline is the better, since the effect will be that your butt is firmer. If you have a tummy don’t use low rise since it will look bigger. And please, don’t let your tong go out from your jeans!! It doesn’t look cool and very probably will not be the best for your body (you may look fat even if you are not).

Length – the jeans length is very important a long and straight pair of jeans will help you to look slimmer and taller, meanwhile an ankle length could automatically put on some weight on you. In fact long jeans are better for everybody, but be careful to not use them too long, go sweeping the town is not cool … If you like long jeans use them with high heels, if not cut them to touch the border of your flat shoe (the top border eh?). You can cut them and let them fray naturally or have them hemmed in the same color stitching.

Cut – this is how your jeans “hug” your legs, butt and thighs.  The slim cut is not recommended if your have a big butt.  The cut that fits almost everybody is the boot cut; it makes your legs look longer and slimmer.

Color – I left this to the end, because it is not really the most important thing that you have to analyze when you buy a pair of jeans, but be careful if it has a washed color in a part that you don’t want to enlarge.

If you want to know more about how to look better in your own body, subscribe to the newsletter and we will be in permanent contact with more news and tips.

See you soon!

Fabiola Silva

Credits: the pictures shown here are form the following brands: 7 for all Mind Kind y The Gap.

NY Fashion Week

Yesterday started the NY Fashion Week.  For many years (since 1933) it has been in Bryan Park, but this year they move it to the Lincoln Center, one of the most important art locations in Manhattan, especially for opera, ballets and concerts.

The event will take place from the 9th until the 16th of September, and the sponsor, as every year, is Mercedes-Benz. During the event, ninety designers will show their 2011 Spring / Summer collection.

If you are interested in the fashion shows and you happen to be around there, you can visit the official site to learn about schedule and special events.  If you are not there, you can follow the event in the Harper’s Bazaar web page where you will also learn about the latest gossips and everything that is going around the event and the parties.

Also you can follow the event in twitter at #nyfw.  And please … if you are in Manhattan go to JG melon and have a hamburger on my behalf!!!


See you soon!

Fabiola Silva

Colors, colors …

Tell me your favorite color and I will tell you who you are!

This of course is my invention ☺ but it is true since the colors that you wear define your personality in many ways.

Depending on the color of your clothes, your face can either look shinning, or thinner or it can put so many shadows on your skin that nobody will notice you. Unbelievable right? And notice that we are not talking about the kind of clothes that you are wearing, we are just mentioning the effect that the colors that you wear can cause in your skin. Knowing which colors are better for you, you will be able to create a bunch of combinations in order to make easier decisions when choosing your outfit and even if you go shopping.

What color is your favorite? Which one do you use more?

Black and grey – black means authority, sophistication and luxury. Grey is the color of simplicity.

Brown – is the earth color, means relax, prudence and experience. (Sometimes they say is the color of older people but if you combine it correctly it is a great color, especially dark brown!).

White – is the color of the energy, balance and purity, the advantage is that it can be use to match with any color.

Blue – symbolizes wisdom, serenity and it is the color of the logic and intelligence.

Red– symbolizes blood, fire, heat, energy and safety. It is a very stimulant color so if you wear it you will feel charged with energy. I love red bags.

Green – it is the color of the balance, calmness and hope. People who use it reflect creativity and imagination.

Pink– it is the color of romance, tranquility and friendship. It reflects empathy.

Yellow – it is the color of intellectuality, confidence, envy and energy. There is a popular saying that goes “ people who wear yellow trust in their beauty” (it is better in Spanish I have to say … ).

So, is your favorite color the best for you?

In order to be able to answer that, you should make some analysis of yourself; look at your real skin tone (look in a place where you usually don’t tan), at your eyes color and at your real hair tone.

In general all the people goes into the following combinations according to their skin, eyes and hair colors:

WINTER – dark eyes and hair. White, pale or dark skin (almost yellow).

Your colors – the best for you are the cold colors (green, blue and purple), brown, and warm colors (red, orange and yellow) are good to illuminate your skin. Avoid pale colors.

Salma Hayeck

AUTUMN – brown and light brown eyes light brown hair and white, yellow or tan skin (natural of course).

Your colors – the same as winter, plus the tan or brick color. Avoid pale colors.

Catherine Zeta Jones

SPRING – blue or green eyes, blond or red hair and peach or creamy skin.

Your colors – the best for you are green and yellow, also pale colors and electric blue. Avoid orange, ocher and dark blue (almost black).

Julianne Moore

SUMMER – the color or your eyes depends on the weather, blond or light brown hair, and pink skin.

Your colors – pale colors, but stay away from the pink if your skin is pinker. Green apple and blue are good for you. Avoid blue marine, orange and be careful with military green.

Jennifer Aniston

Does your favorite colors are the same that best match your colors?

If you have any doubt or you want to know any more information please let me know. And if you like the article please share it with your friends in facebook or twitter, which is always appreciated! ☺

See you soon!

Fabiola Silva